Company News

Happy Holidays!

We've updated features for the Decisions app! Read all about how we're making meetings even more accessible.

This holiday season, we'd like to thank you for trusting us with your organization's meetings. Whether you're a customer, a partner, or a future customer - we wouldn't be revolutionizing meeting culture without you. 

From securing even more funding to being implemented in over a thousand companies globally, 2021 has been incredible for team Decisions and so much of that is because of you.  Our goals for 2022? Find even more ways to streamline and produce better outcomes for more meetings than ever - for you, our customers. 😀

From our families to yours, seasons greetings! Wishing you everything merry and bright (and hopefully some delicious pie)! 🎅

Happy Holidays!
Team Decisions


Meetings are More
Productive with Decisions

See why organizations worldwide trust
Decisions with their most important meetings

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