Customer Stories

Decisions gives Middlesex Corporation a roadmap for better meetings

Decisions turns Microsoft Teams and 365 into a seamless meeting system that encourages engagement, collaboration and productivity.

The Middlesex Corporation, a Boston-based construction company, had an idea of what it needed to do to improve their meetings – but got stuck on how exactly to do it.

“I went through a whole spiel in our executive meetings,” says Matt Mead, business operations director at The Middlesex Corporation. “I said outright that it was a waste of company money to have meetings with no agenda or just for giving status updates.”

Mead says it was one thing for him to express this point of view during the meeting – Decisions gives him a roadmap to make change happen.


Mead is an acquaintance of noted meetings expert Steven Rogelberg. The two spoke about wasteful meetings and their organizational impact in early 2020, around the same time The Middlesex Corporation switched to Microsoft Teams.

“A small number of people in our company had been using Decisions for a few months when we made the move to Teams,” Mead notes. “Between those two things and my conversation with Steve, it seemed like a good time to look at how we were managing meetings across the company.” Then COVID happened.

The timing was almost serendipitous. Two months after Mead’s conversation with Rogelberg and the switch to Teams, everyone in the company was remote.

“Adoption of new technology is always a challenge,” says Mead, whose purview at the company includes IT and new software platforms. “That is not the case with Decisions. We receive so little pushback because it is intuitive and integrates right into the Teams and 365 experience.”

Using Decisions for a more engaging meeting experience
Decisions brings together all the 365 tools into an organized platform for managing meetings, whether they are remote, in-person or a hybrid. The Middlesex Corporation currently uses Decisions for nearly every meeting – from the executive team and committees to individual projects meetings.

“Decisions consolidates the things we were doing manually into one, easy-to-use solution,” continues Mead. “It makes our meetings more engaging and efficient. As just one example, tasks recorded in the Word meeting minutes automatically sync into Planner, aligning to our projects.”

There is a tremendous amount of positive anecdotal feedback from Decisions’ users inside The Middlesex Corporation.

“Prior to Decisions, meetings were managed using Excel-based agendas,” Mead shares. “It was brutal.” Each project for The Middlesex Corporation holds a weekly progress meeting with potentially hundreds of employees. It took hours to gather information for updates to the Excel grid. With Decisions, attendees can individually update their agenda topic in minutes.

In another example, Mead talks about a particular bi-weekly meeting that happen in every region. The administrative team was spending at least 6-8 hours gathering information and preparing for the meeting – and that was just one meeting. Decisions eliminates hours of manual coordination and the same team now spends about an hour on the same tasks.

For The Middlesex Corporation, Decisions turns Microsoft Teams and 365 into a seamless meeting system that encourages engagement, collaboration and productivity, freeing up employees to focus on work that drives business results.