Meeting Tips

Five must-read articles for better virtual meetings

Organizations around the world are enabling remote and virtual teamwork at an accelerated pace. These articles will help you have better virtual meetings.

Organizations around the world are enabling remote and virtual teamwork. This has been a growing trend for years, though it accelerated out of necessity over these last two weeks.

Here are five articles that offer great advice for better virtual meetings.

How to get people to actually participate in virtual meetings
Harvard Business Review 
These days it’s hard to get people to pay attention in any meeting, but when people aren’t in the same room, it can be especially difficult. And it’s particularly annoying when you make a nine-minute argument, pause for an expected reaction, and get: “I’m not sure I followed you” which might as well mean: “I was shampooing my cat and didn’t realize I would be called on.” Continue reading…

4 Tips for working from home with Microsoft Teams
There are many reasons to work remotely and Microsoft Teams is here to help you stay connected with your teammates wherever they are. First, here’s how you can make the most of meetings. Continue reading…

The seven secrets of successful virtual meetings
Project Management Institute
Virtual meetings are a key part of the lives of today's project managers. The trouble is that they are often difficult to handle and most conference calls, audio conferences, and online meetings are frustrating timewasters. Continue reading…

How to run a great virtual meeting
Decisions blog
As the number of teams who are connecting remotely has multiplied, meetings are critical because they provide structured opportunities for team members to interact. They also provide opportunities to build engagement, trust and candor. Continue reading…

7 Ways to Run a Great Virtual Meeting
No more boring, "I'll never get that hour back" meetings. Just by making simple changes, the virtual meetings that you organize can be interesting, productive and even enlightening. Continue reading…

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